What Am I ?
Today I am describing a fruit or a vegetable without saying the name of the fruit or vegetable!
What am I ? I am round and I sometimes come in the color red sometimes in the color green.
I am a fruit and a lot of people like to eat me. When I’m green I’m sour when I’m red I’m sweet
and juicy. You can have me in a pie or a sponge you can make juice out of me and you can
eat me dry. I grow trees and when you pick me off a branch of the tree I have a little stick on
the center of the top of my head pointing up. I also don’t smell like much. People who have
odontophobia wouldn’t really eat me when I am solid.
I am a fruit and a lot of people like to eat me. When I’m green I’m sour when I’m red I’m sweet
and juicy. You can have me in a pie or a sponge you can make juice out of me and you can
eat me dry. I grow trees and when you pick me off a branch of the tree I have a little stick on
the center of the top of my head pointing up. I also don’t smell like much. People who have
odontophobia wouldn’t really eat me when I am solid.
Guess What I am in the comments section!!
Task Description - Before getting into our writing our teacher Ms Tapuke gave us a warm up. We had to describe a fruit or a vegetable in 5 minutes without saying the name of the fruit or vegetable. I did edit some bits and added on after the five minutes was up.