Jelly Tip Delicious
If I could I would have this chocolate all the time, but no maybe just once a week.
The Cadbury product is brown and round. It surprisingly had something in the middle. JELLY, it was $3.99 there were two different flavors jelly and plain chocolate.
The Chocolate i’ve never had before lightened up my eyes. I felt like if I had fireworks in my mouth. It smelt like Jelly and chocolate, it felt smooth and I was sooo ready to put it inside my mouth. It tasted delicious and the jelly looked weird but it was nice. The jelly was brown I thought it was red. When I took a bite I a drip of jelly dripped down then I managed to catch it in my mouth, hhmmmmmmmmm. Yum
I love this product that I have never tasted before. The Turkish Delight is amazing I would rate it with 10/10 . I would really buy this, when I saw it before I saw it would be disgusting but it is delicious.
Yes I do recommend the product because it is so nice maybe not too much maybe just like 4 pieces will be enough. I felt like some more of the Jelly Tip Chocolate, if you want to try it you should try it. You might find it at the dairy or countdown or pak,n,save.
Task Description: We had chocolate at school and we had to explain in my story the smell, taste, feel and looks. I loved my chocolate that I got given because it smelt delicious. I called it Jelly Tip because it had jelly in it. HHHHMMMMM! YUM.
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